Saturday, August 27, 2011

Clipping the Weekend's Coupons

I want to share how I organize my coupons. Maybe you can use these tips or suggest some in the comments below. They will be much appreciated. I started out trying to do categories but as I started following other couponing blogs, it was difficult to find coupons I had once I collected a significant amount. So I attempted to simplify. I used an expandable letter-size file folder and envelopes.

Basically, each weekend, I buy a paper for the coupon inserts. I'll clip the coupons I want (trying to be more selective) and put them in their own envelope. Then, I write down the names and brands of the coupons that I have in there on the outside along with the amount of coupons.

Writing this down definitely helps me remember which coupons I have. I then file them in my expandable folder with the most recent envelopes at the front. When I use a coupon, I cross it off the envelope. Since most of the time I'm focusing on cosmetics, I pull all of those into their own envelope. I use almost all of those.

The upside is that this does fit in my purse. Most of the time I just leave it in my car. However, sometimes it takes a minute to find the exact coupon you need when you think you have a good deal on the spot and you think you've got a coupon for it. Another thing I do is typically 'clean out' every weekend. I pull expired and about to expired coupons out of each envelope. This reminds me which coupons I have and let's me see if I really want to use a particular one before it expires. Anyway, do you have any tips? Please share!


  1. I bought the plastic sheets and spent several hours cutting out coupons and organizing them. I feel like there's so many I will never use and was just wondering if I was wasting my time.

  2. Kathy uses the binder system and Supposedly you go to the site, it lists the sale items and if you have a coupon, you click on it and it makes you a grocery list. I haven't tried it, but that does sound pretty easy.
